Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Renaming your Start Button In Windows Xp or Changing your Start Button Text


Warning: The described process below involves modifying system files and registry. Please proceed with your own risk.

I always wanted to change the text of my Start Button ever since I have been using the Windows operating System. It has always been the most difficult of tasks to accomplish with very risky and lengthy activities involving alteration of Windows registry. In fact I could never find of any way to change the Start button text without actually altering the registry values. (If you know of one please let me know so that it can be posted here for others to know, also please let me know if there is a software that does it automatically)

Well the simplest and the least time consuming way of changing the Start button text is described below:

Follow Below Steps :~ 

Step 1: 

Create a system restore point just incase if something goes wrong you can roll back to the original settings. Make a back up copy of explorer.exe in a safe place, maybe in a different folder.
Step 2:

You would need to download a small freeware utility called Resource Hacker. "Resource HackerTM is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files (*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script compiler and decompiler and works on Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP operating systems." excerpt from Resource Hacker's Website
 Click here to visit the Resource Hacker's web page

Step 3:

Open Resource Hacker utility. Click on File ---> Open. Type "explorer.exe" in the text box.

Step 4:

Expand String Table --->  37 from the tree view and click on 1033 as shown in the figure below.

Step 5:

From the right window next to where start is written in front of 578 edit the text to what you want on your start button. Edit the text "start" to what you want to change your start button name.

Step 6:
For example I edited it to "Begin" as shown in the figure below:Click on the "Compile Script" button on top of the right window. Now click on File ---> Save as ----> amazingtrickss.exe as shown in Figure Below:

  Now click on File ---> Save as ----> amazingtrickss.exe as shown in Figure Below: And after saving Go File then exit Resource hacker

Step 7: 

Open registry editor by clicking on Start ---> Run and typing "regedit" at the text box. Navigate to HKEY_Local_Machine -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows NT -> CurrentVersion -> Winlogon

From the right pane double click on shell and replace "explorer.exe" with "amazingtrickss.exe" as shown in figure below and then exit registry editor:

Step 8: Restart your computer to see the changes.

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Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Shutdown Your Computer with Your Mobile


Hello friends here is a tip to close the computer with the help of your mobile phone. So, this is how you do this:

1. First, you need the batch files to perform the Shutdown, Hibernate etc. Create them on your own by the following method

2. Open your Notepad and write like this...

c:\windows\system32\shutdown -s -f -t 00

and save it as shutdown.bat

3. Open up Microsoft Outlook. Make sure that you have already configured it for your email. Now we will need to make it so that Outlook checks your inbox about every minute (1 minute for testing time can be increased if a delayed shutdown is desired). You can do this by going to Tools: Options.

4. Then click the Mail Setup tab, and afterwards, the Send/Receive button.

5. Make sure that the Schedule an automatic send/receive every... box is checked, and set the number of minutes to 1. Now you may close all of these dialog boxes.

6. Now go to Tools: Rules and Alerts... Next click the options button in the upper right hand corner and press the Import Rules button.

7. Now select the shutdown.bat file ...which you have created ...

8. Now, when you send a message from your phone to your e-mail address with the subject shutdown or smsshutdown%%, your computer will shutdown. 

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Thursday, 8 September 2011



Google Chrome Facebook Shortcuts

  • Alt+1: View your News Feed
  • Alt+2: View your own Profile
  • Alt+3: View pop-up of friend requests
  • Alt+4: View pop-up of messages
  • Alt+5: View pop-up of notifications
  • Alt+6: View Account Settings
  • Alt+7: View Privacy Settings
  • Alt+8: View Facebook’s own profile
  • Alt+9: Read latest Terms of Service agreement.
  • Alt+?: Searc...h
  • Alt+m: Compose a new message

Firefox Facebook Shortcuts
  • Shift+Alt+1: View your News Feed
  • Shift+Alt+2: View your own Profile
  • Shift+Alt+3: View pop-up of friend requests
  • Shift+Alt+4: View pop-up of messages
  • Shift+Alt+5: View pop-up of notifications
  • Shift+Alt+6: View Account Settings
  • Shift+Alt+7: View Privacy Settings
  • Shift+Alt+8: View Facebook’s own profile
  • Shift+Alt+9: Read latest Terms of Service agreement.
  • Shift+Alt+0: Open Facebook Help Center
  • Shift+Alt+?: Search
  • Shift+Alt+m: Compose a new message



Sunday, 4 September 2011

Use Trial Software Forever Without License


Well Yes you can RUN any trial version of the software forever without entering any license key or getting Serials, this is a Genuine method and its really popular. We will use a software called Time Stopper which will stop the time for the software so it will work till your computer works.

Follow the below steps to see how it works .:

2. After downloading the above software extract it and RUN it and you will see something like below .:

3. Now here you simply have to choose the software which is going to be expired and you wanna use it as a trial again.

4. After choosing a valid .exe application you have choose a date, well you have to choose something between your trial software date like 2 days before its going to be expired.

5. Now enter a new name for the new valid shortcut and click Create Desktop Shortcut.

6. That’s it now enjoy the valid trial application for free.

Restart Windows Without Restarting Computer


Guys sometimes you come across a stage where you need to restart your computer @ time of installing new software well but you don’t wanna restart as due to some reasons so what we can do is a Cold Reboot which does not Restarts your Computer but Restarts your System.

Follow the below steps to see how it works .:

 1. Whenever you wanna Cold Reboot your Computer simply HOLD Shift Key and then click on restart button check example below .:

2. So now you got it how you can easily restart your Windows without restarting your computer.

3. So have fun guys and make sure you comment below if you find any problems.

Funny Facebook VIA Status Updater Trick 2 Easy


Hello everyone we are back with the same trick which we posted earlier Facebook VIA Status Hack , but some people were having problem implementing that method so we are back with another easy way to post any Status with any VIA Parameters.

Follow the below steps .:

2. After visiting the above website you will see something like below .:

 3. Now after you click the drop down menu you will see a bunch of VIA Parameters from which you can choose the one you really like .:


4. So now choose the one you like and click on it after click that click on Update Status and then a new window will popup saying sign-in to your Facebook account.

5. Simply sign in and you will something like below .:

 6. That’s it now simply type your status and hit “Share” to share the FUN with all your friends.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Ultimate Firefox crazy Tricks


Firefox is one of the best browser in the world and it has some of the coolest craziest tricks which you can perform right inside the firefox and really you will love them.

Below are the Tricks you just need to copy them up in to browser address bar, they are tested by me and works great.

Note : These tricks are entirely harmless & they are used just for some serious FUN :)

  • chrome://global/content/alerts/alert.xul

This will show you dancing firefox.Your firefox window will automatically popup anywhere at screen.
  • chrome://browser/content/browser.xul

This will open another firefox within in a new tab.So you will have firefox within firefox.
  • chrome://browser/content/preferences/preferences.xul

This will open firefox options dialog box in new tab.
  • chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/bookmarksPanel.xul

This will open your firefox bookmark manager in new tab.
  • chrome://browser/content/history/history-panel.xul

This will open your history in new tab.
  • chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul?type=extensions

This will open your extensions tab in your current window .
  • chrome://browser/content/preferences/cookies.xul

This will Open the “cookies window” inside a tab in the Firefox window.
  • chrome://browser/content/preferences/sanitize.xul

This will Open the “Clear Private Data” window inside the current tab.
  • chrome://browser/content/aboutDialog.xul

This will Open the “About Firefox” Dialog box inside the tab.
  • chrome://browser/content/credits.xhtml

Enjoy and Have Fun And like it post......................


WARNING !!!All This Tutorial and Information in this website is just for educational purpose only. Used for illegal activity is completely a crime. We do not take any responsibility.
